9와 숫자들 - 잡 투 두 가사/MV

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9와 숫자들 잡 투 두 노래가사 좀 올려주세요^^

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9와 숫자들 - 잡 투 두

Just like the river flowing down
and the rain falling down
and the wind blowing up and down

Just like the eagles flying out
and the tigers growling out
and the dolphins jumping in and out

Just like the valleys getting deeper
and the stones only descending
and the mountains standing not asking why

Just like the swallows carrying warmth
and the bees making sweets
and the doves keeping peace and telling love

I will have a job to do
I will have a job to do
I will have a job to do
I will have a job to do

Doesn't matter what I dream of everyday
'cause the fate will take and break it anyway

Sometimes you’ve got to give your precious way
to the people who don't even give a shit
about the seasons that quietly come and go
and the seeds that could have been grown big and strong

So why not me?
What's so wrong of me to join the stupid race just like them all?

I will have a job to do
I will have a job to do
I will have a job to do
I will have a job to do

세상은 너의 좁은 벽에 걸린
지도와는 같지 않단다

언젠가 우린 미소 접어두고
서로 다퉈야 할지 몰라

구로역 맛집 시흥동 맛집
이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.