새틀라이트 Say the words 가사 / 영상 올려주세요.

가사 해석도 해주시면 감사~

2 답변

0 투표
뮤직비디오/MV/영상 입니다.

0 투표

가사 ~~~~~

Plastic eyes surrounded by a suicidal
Urge to loose control now
And let this go
You're paralyzed at trying just to find a way
To learn to sleep alone now
That you're on your own
Say the words say the words out loud
Let them out of your soul
And as it is you're hidden underneath this fight
But sinking like a stone love so far below
The streets are paved with black and yellow lines
That never lead you back to home love
Cause you're on your own
Say the words say the words out loud
Let them out of your soul
We build our dreams and then burn them down to the ground
Till they're gone
We gotta find a way to love again
While the words are still there ringing in our heads
The prophet's saying the anthem's left for dead
While the words are still there
They're ringing in, they're ringing in...
We gotta find a way to love again
While the words are ringing in our heads
They're ringing in our heads
The prophet's saying the anthem's left for dead
While the words are ringing in our heads
They're ringing in our heads
Say the words say the words out loud
Let them out of your soul
구로역 맛집 시흥동 맛집
이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.