로로스 - Monster 가사/MV

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로로스 Monster 노래가사가 어떻게 되나요?

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로로스 - Monster

(So lost in a thought)
Can attest to
(Most of all)

(He feeds as he quakes)
Curse this monster in me.

(We’re nothing but stars)
Scared to be
(Light as the sky)

(It’s not set in stone)
Cried this monster…in me.

(Come, restart, the world is alive to you.
Time, is nigh, to look at the real inside you.)

(It’s not what you need)
Carry on
(Detest but try)

Carry it all
(A promise is made)
Cry, this monster dead to me..

(Come, restart, the world is alive to you.
Time, is nigh, to look at the real inside you.
Come, restart, the world is alive to you.
Time, is right, to look at the real inside you.)

구로역 맛집 시흥동 맛집
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